Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Exercise 6 (19.10.2009)
Subject: Access to Library and Information System

Subject: Access to Library and Information System

This report will process further investigation on the difference between the internet and the conventional library. It will give a short insight into the defintion of each, reveal short piecewise functionality of each as well as conclude in direct comparison.
1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Definition of the Library
- 1.2 Definition of the Internet
2.0 Governance
- 2.1 Governance of the Library
- 2.2 Governance of the Internet
3.0 Navigation
- 3.1 Navigation through Libraries
- 3.2 Navigation through the Internet
4.0 Compare and Contrast
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Reference List
This report will briefly report the differences or even the things in common between the library and the internet.
A library is a collection of sources, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is housed; it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual. In the more traditional sense, a library is a collection of books. It can mean the collection, the building or room that houses such a collection, or both. The term "library" has itself acquired a secondary meaning: "a collection of useful material for common use," and in this sense is used in fields such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, electronics and biology.
The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks - a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers).
It was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANET. The original aim was to create a network that would allow users of a research computer at one university to be able to "talk to" research computers at other universities. A side benefit of ARPANet's design was that, because messages could be routed or rerouted in more than one direction, the network could continue to function even if parts of it were destroyed in the event of a military attack or other disaster.
The “ownership” of libraries in comparison to the internet are very different as will be briefly described below.
The governance and the “owners” of libraries can vary in each country as well as in each state or even each city, whereas the majority “system of governance” is pretty similar and depends on the kind of library.
The following types of libraries do exist:
- National Library
- Public Library
- Academic Library
- Special Library
- School Library
The governance can be a part of the government, a part of the state, a city, an institution, a school, a foundation etc. Hence usually there is an owner who is controlling the funds and organization of the library the owner is responsible for.
The Internet is a globally distributed network comprising many voluntarily interconnected autonomous networks. It operates without a central governing body. However, to maintain interoperability, all technical and policy aspects of the underlying core infrastructure and the principal name spaces are administered by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), headquartered in Marina del Rey, California. ICANN is the authority that coordinates the assignment of unique identifiers for use on the Internet, including domain names, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, application port numbers in the transport protocols, and many other parameters. Globally unified name spaces, in which names and numbers are uniquely assigned, are essential for the global reach of the Internet. ICANN is governed by an international board of directors drawn from across the Internet technical, business, academic, and other non-commercial communities. The US government continues to have the primary role in approving changes to the DNS root zone that lies at the heart of the domain name system. ICANN's role in coordinating the assignment of unique identifiers distinguishes it as perhaps the only central coordinating body on the global Internet. On November 16, 2005, the World Summit on the Information Society, held in Tunis, established the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to discuss Internet-related issues.
The “navigation system” people move in inside of a library or on the internet is a different system, besides the fact that the library is a physical place while the internet is a virtual place.

A library classification is a system of coding and organizing library materials (books, serials, audiovisual materials, computer files, maps, manuscripts, realia) according to their subject and allocating a call number to that information resource. Similar to classification systems used in biology, bibliographic classification systems group entities that are similar together typically arranged in a hierarchical tree structure. A different kind of classification system, called a faceted classification system, is also widely used which allows the assignment of multiple classifications to an object, enabling the classifications to be ordered in multiple ways.
There are many standard system of library classification in use, and many more have been proposed over the years. However in general, Classification systems can be divided into three types depending on how they are used.
• Bliss Bibliographic Classification (BC)
• Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
• Library of Congress Classification (LCC)
Classification systems in libraries generally play two roles. Firstly they facilitate subject access by allowing the user to find out what works or documents the library has on a certain subject. Secondly, they provide a known location for the information source to be located (e.g where it is shelved).
In computing, a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a subset of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies where an identified resource is available and the mechanism for retrieving it. In popular usage and in many technical documents and verbal discussions it is often incorrectly used as a synonym for URI. In popular language, a URI is also referred to as a Web address.
On the Internet, a hostname is a domain name assigned to a host computer. This is usually a combination of the host's local name with its parent domain's name. For example, "" consists of a local hostname ("en") and the domain name "". This kind of hostname is translated into an IP address via the local hosts file, or the Domain Name System (DNS) resolver. It is possible for a single host computer to have several hostnames; but generally the operating system of the host prefers to have one hostname that the host uses for itself.
Any domain name can also be a hostname, as long as the restrictions mentioned below are followed. So, for example, both "" and "" are hostnames because they both have IP addresses assigned to them. The domain name "" is not a hostname since it does not have an IP address, but "" is a hostname. All hostnames are domain names, but not all domain names are hostnames.
The internet and the library , both are the considered to be a big depository of information .Library can be defined as [1]“A collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or borrowing”
While Internet is defined as [2]“An electronic network providing access to millions of resources worldwide. University Libraries provide access to many periodical indexes through the Internet. Internet access is available on all floors of the Libraries.”
Internet and the library both seems to be serving the same purpose but as the time goes by and world moves to new innovations and directions , the question arises is the latter going to replace the former . This essay compares and contrasts the Internet and an Library , how they share a common purpose and how they vary from each other while serving the purpose .
Both the internet and an Library provides information on a wide array of topics but it may be not be necessary that library in United states has the books or journals about the History of Asian countries like china , India . Even if an American Library does has the books and information on the Asian history it may not as exhaustive as it would be in the libraries based in Asia itself .
It is not possible to have the same set of books and information in all the libraries. Not all the books available in the Library of the Lindenwood university would be same as available in the libraries of Delhi University at India . Although noticeable works like the ones of Shakespeare would be definitely on the shelves of both the libraries .But its not always necessary that less known authors or journals will make to each library.
While on the other hand information available on internet is universal , the same information can be accessed in all the computers worldwide . There is no regional version of internet just about anyone and everyone can access the same information whether it is done with a internet...
This report has given a brief insight into the difference of the libraries, in comparison to the internet. Nowadays the internet has become a steadily growing and expanding network, which possesses an ever growing mass of information and resources, obviously overrunning the “old fashioned” libraries. But fact is that even the libraries went with the flow and went online. Many internet libraries are available of which many of them even offer eBooks which can be read online as well as other resources. Furthermore the libraries can be browsed from anywhere in the world and once the visitor will visit the real library place to find the desired book, the person can easily refer to the location found online. Libraries still remain a strong structure within the education sector and are the physical “warehouses” of source and knowledge collection without the need of electronic devices or any other hard and software to access them.
6.0 REFERENCE LIST,,sid8_gci212370,00.html
This report will process further investigation on the difference between the internet and the conventional library. It will give a short insight into the defintion of each, reveal short piecewise functionality of each as well as conclude in direct comparison.
1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Definition of the Library
- 1.2 Definition of the Internet
2.0 Governance
- 2.1 Governance of the Library
- 2.2 Governance of the Internet
3.0 Navigation
- 3.1 Navigation through Libraries
- 3.2 Navigation through the Internet
4.0 Compare and Contrast
5.0 Conclusion
6.0 Reference List
This report will briefly report the differences or even the things in common between the library and the internet.


It was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S. government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANET. The original aim was to create a network that would allow users of a research computer at one university to be able to "talk to" research computers at other universities. A side benefit of ARPANet's design was that, because messages could be routed or rerouted in more than one direction, the network could continue to function even if parts of it were destroyed in the event of a military attack or other disaster.
The “ownership” of libraries in comparison to the internet are very different as will be briefly described below.
The governance and the “owners” of libraries can vary in each country as well as in each state or even each city, whereas the majority “system of governance” is pretty similar and depends on the kind of library.
The following types of libraries do exist:
- National Library
- Public Library
- Academic Library
- Special Library
- School Library
The governance can be a part of the government, a part of the state, a city, an institution, a school, a foundation etc. Hence usually there is an owner who is controlling the funds and organization of the library the owner is responsible for.
The Internet is a globally distributed network comprising many voluntarily interconnected autonomous networks. It operates without a central governing body. However, to maintain interoperability, all technical and policy aspects of the underlying core infrastructure and the principal name spaces are administered by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), headquartered in Marina del Rey, California. ICANN is the authority that coordinates the assignment of unique identifiers for use on the Internet, including domain names, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, application port numbers in the transport protocols, and many other parameters. Globally unified name spaces, in which names and numbers are uniquely assigned, are essential for the global reach of the Internet. ICANN is governed by an international board of directors drawn from across the Internet technical, business, academic, and other non-commercial communities. The US government continues to have the primary role in approving changes to the DNS root zone that lies at the heart of the domain name system. ICANN's role in coordinating the assignment of unique identifiers distinguishes it as perhaps the only central coordinating body on the global Internet. On November 16, 2005, the World Summit on the Information Society, held in Tunis, established the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to discuss Internet-related issues.
The “navigation system” people move in inside of a library or on the internet is a different system, besides the fact that the library is a physical place while the internet is a virtual place.

A library classification is a system of coding and organizing library materials (books, serials, audiovisual materials, computer files, maps, manuscripts, realia) according to their subject and allocating a call number to that information resource. Similar to classification systems used in biology, bibliographic classification systems group entities that are similar together typically arranged in a hierarchical tree structure. A different kind of classification system, called a faceted classification system, is also widely used which allows the assignment of multiple classifications to an object, enabling the classifications to be ordered in multiple ways.
There are many standard system of library classification in use, and many more have been proposed over the years. However in general, Classification systems can be divided into three types depending on how they are used.
• Bliss Bibliographic Classification (BC)
• Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
• Library of Congress Classification (LCC)
Classification systems in libraries generally play two roles. Firstly they facilitate subject access by allowing the user to find out what works or documents the library has on a certain subject. Secondly, they provide a known location for the information source to be located (e.g where it is shelved).

In computing, a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a subset of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies where an identified resource is available and the mechanism for retrieving it. In popular usage and in many technical documents and verbal discussions it is often incorrectly used as a synonym for URI. In popular language, a URI is also referred to as a Web address.
On the Internet, a hostname is a domain name assigned to a host computer. This is usually a combination of the host's local name with its parent domain's name. For example, "" consists of a local hostname ("en") and the domain name "". This kind of hostname is translated into an IP address via the local hosts file, or the Domain Name System (DNS) resolver. It is possible for a single host computer to have several hostnames; but generally the operating system of the host prefers to have one hostname that the host uses for itself.
Any domain name can also be a hostname, as long as the restrictions mentioned below are followed. So, for example, both "" and "" are hostnames because they both have IP addresses assigned to them. The domain name "" is not a hostname since it does not have an IP address, but "" is a hostname. All hostnames are domain names, but not all domain names are hostnames.
The internet and the library , both are the considered to be a big depository of information .Library can be defined as [1]“A collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or borrowing”
While Internet is defined as [2]“An electronic network providing access to millions of resources worldwide. University Libraries provide access to many periodical indexes through the Internet. Internet access is available on all floors of the Libraries.”
Internet and the library both seems to be serving the same purpose but as the time goes by and world moves to new innovations and directions , the question arises is the latter going to replace the former . This essay compares and contrasts the Internet and an Library , how they share a common purpose and how they vary from each other while serving the purpose .
Both the internet and an Library provides information on a wide array of topics but it may be not be necessary that library in United states has the books or journals about the History of Asian countries like china , India . Even if an American Library does has the books and information on the Asian history it may not as exhaustive as it would be in the libraries based in Asia itself .
It is not possible to have the same set of books and information in all the libraries. Not all the books available in the Library of the Lindenwood university would be same as available in the libraries of Delhi University at India . Although noticeable works like the ones of Shakespeare would be definitely on the shelves of both the libraries .But its not always necessary that less known authors or journals will make to each library.
While on the other hand information available on internet is universal , the same information can be accessed in all the computers worldwide . There is no regional version of internet just about anyone and everyone can access the same information whether it is done with a internet...
This report has given a brief insight into the difference of the libraries, in comparison to the internet. Nowadays the internet has become a steadily growing and expanding network, which possesses an ever growing mass of information and resources, obviously overrunning the “old fashioned” libraries. But fact is that even the libraries went with the flow and went online. Many internet libraries are available of which many of them even offer eBooks which can be read online as well as other resources. Furthermore the libraries can be browsed from anywhere in the world and once the visitor will visit the real library place to find the desired book, the person can easily refer to the location found online. Libraries still remain a strong structure within the education sector and are the physical “warehouses” of source and knowledge collection without the need of electronic devices or any other hard and software to access them.
6.0 REFERENCE LIST,,sid8_gci212370,00.html
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Homework (for 19.10.2009)
(Subject: Access to Library & Information System)

Germination Medium/Soil
• It must provide a root substrate, moisture, nutrients and aeration.
• It is ideally loose enough for easy penetration of germination radical.
• It should accept water easily and not dry out too quickly.
• There are various opinions on the ideal mix. The mix can be made by hand or purchased as germination mix. Typically used are mixtures of perlite and peat moss in a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio.
• Wetting agents are often added to medium to help with watering.
• Pure peat moss can be used but can turn into a hard block if ever allowed to fully dry out.
• Other mediums: Sphagnum moss, sand, shavings, etc.
This report has identified the morphology of palm trees in their distinctive parts, as well as it gives basic information on the habitat of palm trees, their use, cultivation and germination. Additionally the part of germination contains some further detailed information which easily could be used as a reference for enthusiastic palm growers as a guideline to successfully germinate and grow own palm trees at home.
(Subject: Access to Library & Information System)

This report will briefly present the structure and physical construction of palm trees, biologically called Arecaceae. Furthermore the reproduction and various aspects of palm trees will be explained.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Morphology of Palm Trees
2.1 Palm Tree – Stems
2.2 Palm Tree Types – Leaves Information
2.3 Palm Tree – Flowers
2.4 Palm Tree – Fruit
2.5 Palm Tree – Seeds
3.0 Range and Habitat
4.0 Uses and Cultivation
5.0 Germination
6.0 Conclusion
7.0 Reference List
The purpose of this report is to give an insight into the genus of Arecaceae and to specify and evaluate the development as well as the physical structure, differences and reproduction of palm trees, with the help of various internet sources.

palm (päm)
1. Any of various chiefly tropical evergreen trees, shrubs, or woody vines of the family Palmae (or Arecaceae), characteristically having unbranched trunks with a crown of large pinnate or palmate leaves having conspicuous parallel venation.
This is the definition of a palm tree as it can be found within a dictionary.
Arecaceae or Palmae (also known by the name Palmaceae, which is considered taxonomically invalid, or by the common name palm tree), the palm family, is a family of flowering plants, the only family in the monocot order Arecales. There are roughly 202 currently known genera with around 2600 species, most of which are restricted to tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate climates. Most palms are distinguished by their large, compound, evergreen leaves arranged at the top of an unbranched stem. However, many palms are exceptions to this statement, and palms in fact exhibit an enormous diversity in physical characteristics. As well as being morphologically diverse, palms also inhabit nearly every type of habitat within their range, from rainforests to deserts.
Palms are among the best known and extensively cultivated plant families. They have been important to humans throughout much of history. Many common products and foods are derived from palms, and palms are also widely used in landscaping for their exotic appearance, making them one of the most economically important plants. In many historical cultures, palms were symbols for such ideas as victory, peace, and fertility. Today, palms remain a popular symbol for the tropics and vacations.
Arecaceae is the first modern family of monocots that is clearly represented in the fossil record. Palms first appear in the fossil record around 80 million years ago, during the late Cretaceous Period. The first modern species, such as Nypa fruticans and Acrocomia aculeata, appeared 69-70 million years ago, confirmed by fossil Nypa pollen dated to 70 million years ago. Palms appear to have undergone an early period of adaptive radiation. By 60 million years ago, many of the modern, specialized genera of palms appeared and became widespread and common, much more widespread than their range today. Because palms separated from the monocots earlier than other families, they developed more intrafamilial specialization and diversity. By tracing back these diverse characteristics of palms to the basic structures of monocots, palms may be valuable in studying monocot evolution.
Evidence can also be found in samples of petrified palmwood.
80 million years has seen many species of palm evolve. As environmental changes happened, so many different species of palms evolved in different ways. From turbulent, volcanic landscapes to humid, tropical jungles and even in the cooler regions and at altitude with seasonal snow fall. With over 2800 known species, and more being discovered from time to time, palms have adapted and established well on this earth.
The method of distribution of palms across the planet is varied. Some palm seeds travel in the stomachs of birds and other animals in order to begin life further afield from their parent, in fact many rely on this particularly acidic method of accommodation in order to break down the seed wall for germination. Some palms establish themselves due to the export of fruit, for example dates, when the discarded seeds germinate and grow. The coconut has perfected a particularly effective method by means of falling into the sea and being taken by the ocean currents to distant shores, moving further afield with each generation, until now being established on every tropical coastline in the world. Another more recent method is the international trade of plants and seeds by collectors and commercial growers for prized garden and house plants.

Palms, for identification purposes. can be divided into two major groups: those that have palmate or fan-shaped leaves; and those that have pinnate, or feather-shaped leaves. The palmate-leaved species are characterized by a leaf structure in which all leaf segments arise from a single point, similar to the structure of a human hand. Pinnate leaves are characterized by leaves along each side of a central axis, similar in design to that of a feather.
Palm Tree (Palmaceae) have been termed the princes of the vegetable kingdom. Neither the anatomy of the Palms stems nor the conformation of Palm Tree flowers, however, entitles them to any such high position in the vegetable hierarchy. Palm Tree stems are not more complicated in structure than those of the common butcher’s broom (Ruscus); their flowers are for the most part as simple as those of a rush (Juncus). The order Palmaceae is characterized among monocotyledonous plants by the presence of an unbranched stem bearing a tuft of leaves at the extremity only, or with the leaves scattered; these leaves, often gigantic in size, being usually firm in texture and branching in a pinnate or palmate fashion. The flowers are borne on simple or branching spikes, very generally protected by a spathe or spathes, and each consists typically of a perianth of six greenish, somewhat inconspicuous segments in two rows, with six stamens, or pistil of 1-3 carpel's, each with a single ovule and a succulent or dry fruit. The seed consists almost exclusively of endosperm, Upper portion of Coconut seed, albumen in a cavity in showing the embryo, embedded in endosperm, which is lodged the relatively very minute embryo. These are the general characteristics by which this very well-defined order may be discriminated, but, in a group containing considerably more than a thousand species, Palm Tree deviations from the general plan of structure occur with some frequency. As the characteristic appearances of palms depend to a large extent upon these modifications, some of the more important among them may briefly be noticed.
Taking the stem first, we may mention that it is in very many palms relatively tall, erect, unbranched, regularly cylindrical, or dilated below so as to form an elongated cone, either smooth, or covered with the projecting remnants of the former Palms leaves, or marked with circular scars indicating the position of those leaves which have now fallen away. It varies in. diameter from the thickness of a reed (as in Chamaedorea) to a sturdy pillar-like structure as seen in the date-palm, Palmyra palm or Talipot. In other cases the very slender Palm Tree stem is prostrate, scandent by means of formidable hooked prickles which, by enabling the plant to support itself on. The branches of neighboring Palms, also permit the stem to grow to a very great length and so to expose the foliage to the light and air above the tree-tops of the dense forests the Palm Tree grows in, as in the genus Calamus, the Rattan or Cane palms. In some few instances the trunk, or that portion of it which is above ground, is so short that the Palm Tree is in a loose way called “ stemless “ or “ acaulescent,” as in Geonoma, and as happens sometimes in the only species found in a wild state in Europe, Chamaerops humus. The vegetable ivory (Phytelephas) of equatorial America has a very short thick stem bearing a tall cluster of leaves which appears to rise from the ground. In many Palm Tree species the trunk is covered with a dense network of stiff fibers, often compacted together at the free ends into spines. This fibrous material, which is so valuable for cordage, consists of the fibrous tissue of the leafstalk, which in these cases persists after the decay of the softer portions. It is very characteristic of some palms to produce from the base of the stem a series of adventitious roots which gradually thrust themselves into the soil and serve to steady the Palm tree and prevent its overthrow by the wind. The underground stem of some species, e.g. of Calamus, is a rhizome, or root-stock, lengthening in a more or less horizontal manner by the development of the terminal bud, and sending up lateral branches like suckers from the root-stock, which form dense thickets of cane-like stems. The branching of the Palm Tree stem above ground is unusual, except in the case of the Doum palm of Egypt (Hyphaene) , where the stem forks, often repeatedly; this is due to the development of a branch to an equal strength with the main stem. In other cases branching, when present, is probably the result of some injury to the terminal bud at the top of the stem, in consequence of which buds sprout out from below the apex. The internal structure of the Palm Tree stem does not differ fundamentally from that-of a typical monocotyledonous stem, the taller, harder trunks owing their hardness not only to the fibrous or woody skeleton but also to the fact that, as growth goes on, the originally soft cellular ground tissue through which the fibers run becomes hardened by the deposit of woody matter within the cells, so that ultimately the cellular portions of the Palm Tree become as hard as the woody fibrous tissue.
The leaves of the Palms are either arranged at more or less distant intervals along the stem, as in the canes, or are approximated in tufts at the end of the stem, thus forming those noble crowns of foliage which are so closely associated with the general idea of a palm. In the young condition, while still unfolded, these Palm leaves, with the succulent end of the stem from which they arise, form “the cabbage,” which in some Palm species is highly esteemed as an article of food.
The adult Palms leaf generally presents a sheathing base tapering upwards into the stalk or petiole, and this again bearing the lamina or blade. The sheath and the petiole very often bear stout spines, as in the rattan palms and when, in course of time, the upper parts of the leaf decay and fall off, the base of thePalms leaf-stalk and sheath often remain, either entirely or in their fibrous portions only, which latter constitute the investment to the Palms stem already mentioned. In size the leaves vary within very wide limits, some being only a few inches in extent, while those of the noble Carycta I , may be measured in tens of feet. In form the Palm Tree leaves are very rarely simple; usually they are more or less divided, sometimes, as in Caryota, extremely so. In Palm tree species of Geonoma, Vers chaffeltia and some others, the leaf splits into two divisions at the apex and not elsewhere; but more usually the leaves branch regularly. The form of the segments is generally more or less linear, b
ut a very distinct appearance is given by the broad wedge-shaped leaflets of such palms as Caryotct, Martinezia or Mauritia. These forms run one into another by transitional gradations; and even in the same palm tree the form of the leaf is often very different at different stages of its growth, so that it is a difficult matter to name correctly seedling or juvenile palms in the condition in which we generally meet with them in the nurseries, or even to foresee what the future development of the Palms is likely to be. Like the other parts of the plant, the leaves are sometimes invested with hairs or spines; and, in some instances, as in the magnificent Ceroxylon andicola, the under surface is of a glaucous white or bluish color, from a coating of wax.
The inflorescence of the palm tree consists generally of a fleshy spike, either simple or much branched, studded with numerous, sometimes extremely numerous, flowers, and enveloped by one or more sheathing bracts called “spathes“. These parts may be small, or they may attain relatively enormous dimensions, hanging down from amid the Palm Tree crown of foliage like huge tresses, and adding greatly to the noble effect of the tree's leaves. In some cases, as in the Talipot palm, the tree only flowers once; it grows for many years until it has become a large Palms then develops a huge inflorescence, and after the fruit has ripened, the Palm tree dies.
The individual Palms flowers are usually small (figs. 3, 6), greenish and insignificant; their general structure has been mentioned already. Modifications from the Palm Tree typical structure arise from difference of texture, and specially from suppression of parts, in consequence of which the Palm flowers are very generally unisexual, though the flowers of the two sexes are generally produced on the same Palm tree (monoecious), not indeed always in the same season, for a Palm tree in one year may produce all male flowers and in the next all female flowers. Sometimes the Palms flowers are modified by an increase in the number of parts; thus the usually six stamens may be represented by I2’to 24 or even by hundreds. The carpel's are usually three in number, and more or less combined; but they may be free, and their number may be reduced to two or even one. In any case each carpel contains but a single ovule.
Owing to the sexual arrangements before mentioned for the Palms, the pollen has to be transported by the agency of the wind or of insects to the Palm Tree's female flowers. This is facilitated sometimes by the elastic movements of the stamens and anthers, which liberate the pollen so freely at certain times that travelers speak of the date palms of Egypt (Phoenix dactylifera) being at daybreak hidden in a mist of pollen grains. In other Palm tree cases fertilization is effected by the agency of man, who removes the male flowers and scatters the pollen over the fruit-bearing trees. This practice has been followed in the case of the date from time immemorial; and it afforded one of the earliest and most irrefragable proofs by means of which the sexuality of plants was finally established. In the course of ripening of the fruit two of the carpel's with their ovules may become absorbed, as in the coco-nut, the fruit of which contains only one seed though the three carpel's are indicated by the three longitudinal sutures and by the presence of three germ-pores on the hard endocarp.
The Palms fruit is various in form, size and character; sometimes, as in the common date from a Palm Tree is a berry with a fleshy rind enclosing a hard stony kernel, the true seed; the fruit of Areca is similar; sometimes it is a kind of drupe as in Acrccomia, or the coconut, Cocos nucif era, where the fibrous central portion investing the hard shell corresponds to the fleshy portion
of a plum or cherry, while the shell or nut corresponds to the stone of stone-fruits, the seed being the kernel. In Borassus the three seeds are each enclosed in a separate chamber formed by the stony endocarp. Sometimes, as in the Palm Tree species of Metroxylon, Raphia, and Daemonorops, the Palms fruit is covered with hard, pointed, reflexed shining scales, which give the Palm a very remarkable appearance.
The Palm tree seeds show a corresponding variety in size and shape, but always consist of a mass of Palm endosperm, in which is embedded a relatively very minute embryo. The hard stone of the date palm is the endosperm, the white oily flesh of the coco-nut is the same substance in a softer condition; the so-called “vegetable ivory” is derived from the endosperm of Phytelephas. In some Palms genera the inner seed coat becomes thickened along the course of the vascular bundles and growing into the endosperm produces the characteristic appearance in section known as ruminate—this is well shown in the Areca nut.
The order (Palm Tree) is mainly tropical, but with some Palms in warm temperate regions. Chamaerops humilis is a native of the Mediterranean region, and the date-palm yields fruit in southern Europe as far north as 38° N. latitude. In eastern Asia the Palms, like other tropical families, extend along the coast reaching Korea and the south of Japan. In America a few small genera occur in the southern United States and California; and in South America the southern limit is reached in the Chilean genus Juhaea (the Chile coco-nut) at 37° S. latitude. The great centers of distribution for Palm Trees are tropical America and tropical Asia; tropical Africa contains only 2 genera, though some of the species, like the Doum Palm Tree (Hyphaene thebaica) and the Deleb or Palmyra palm tree(Borassusfiabellifer) have a wide distribution. With three exceptions Old and New World forms are distinct—the coco-nut (Cocos nucifera) is widely distributed on the coasts of tropical Africa, in India and the South Seas, the other species of the genus Palm are confined to the western hemisphere. The oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) is a native of west tropical Africa, the other Palm Tree species of the genus is tropical American. Raphia has also species in both tropical Africa and tropical America.
Their diversity is highest in wet, lowland tropical forests, especially in ecological "hotspots" such as Madagascar, which has more endemic palms than all of Africa. Colombia may have the highest number of palm species in one country.
It is estimated that only 130 palm species grow naturally beyond the tropics, mostly in the subtropics. The northernmost native palm is Chamaerops humilis, which reaches 44°N latitude in southern France. The southernmost palm is the Rhopalostylis sapida, which reaches 44°S on the Chatham Islands where an oceanic climate prevails. Palms grow well under cultivation as far north as Scotland and British Columbia (Vancouver/ Vancouver Island).
Palms inhabit a variety of ecosystems. More than two thirds of palm species live in tropical forests, where some species grow tall enough to form part of the canopy and shorter ones form part of the understory. Some species form pure stands in areas with poor drainage or regular flooding, including Raphia hookeri which is common in coastal freshwater swamps in West Africa. Other palms live in tropical mountain habitats above 1000 meters, such as those in the genus Ceroxylon native to the Andes. Palms may also live in grasslands and scrublands, usually associated with a water source, and in desert oases such as the Date Palm. A few palms are adapted to extremely basic lime soils, while others are similarly adapted to very acidic serpentine soils.
Human use of palms is as old or older than human civilization itself, starting with the cultivation of the Date Palm by Mesopotamians and other Middle Eastern peoples 5000 years or more ago.[14] Date wood, pits for storing dates, and other remains of the Date Palm have been found in Mesopotamian sites. The Date Palm had a tremendous effect on the history of the Middle East.
An indication of the importance of Palms is that they are mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible, and at least 22 times in the Quran.
Fruit of the Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera
Arecaceae has great economic importance including coconut products, oils, dates, palm syrup, ivory nuts, carnauba wax, rattan cane, raffia and palm wood.
The type member of Arecaceae is the Areca palm, the fruit of which, the betel nut, is chewed with the betel leaf for intoxicating effects. Also belonging to the family of the Arecaceae are the Date Palm, harvested for its edible fruit; Rattans, whose stems are used extensively in furniture and baskets; and the Coconut. Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil produced by the oil palms in the genus Elaeis. Several species are harvested for heart of palm, a vegetable eaten in salads. Palm sap is sometimes fermented to produce palm wine or toddy, an alcoholic beverage common in parts of Africa, India, and the Philippines. The Palm Sunday festival uses palm leaves, usually from the Date Palm, to commemorate Jesus' entry to Jerusalem, when palm leaves were strewn on the road before him. Dragon's blood, a red resin used traditionally in medicine, varnish, and dyes, may be obtained from the fruit of Daemonorops species. Coir is a coarse water-resistant fiber extracted from the outer shell of coconuts, used in doormats, brushes, mattresses, and ropes. Some indigenous groups living in palm-rich areas use palms to make many of their necessary items and food. Sago, for example, a starch made from the pith of the trunk of the Sago Palm Metroxylon sagu, is a major staple food for lowland peoples of New Guinea and the Moluccas. Palm leaves are also valuable to some peoples as a material for thatching or clothing.
Washingtonia robusta trees line Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica, California.
Today, palms are valuable as ornamental plants and are often grown along streets in tropical and subtropical cities, and also along the Mediterranean coast in Europe. Farther north, palms are a common feature in botanical gardens or as indoor plants. Few palms tolerate severe cold, however, and the majority of the species are tropical or subtropical. The three most cold-tolerant species are Trachycarpus fortunei, native to eastern Asia, and Rhapidophyllum hystrix and Sabal minor, both native to the southeastern United States. For more details, see hardy palms.
The southeastern state of South Carolina is nicknamed the Palmetto State after the Cabbage Palmetto, logs from which were used to build the fort at Fort Moultrie. During the American Revolutionary War they were invaluable to those defending the fort, because their spongy wood absorbed or deflected the British cannonballs. Some palms can be grown as far north as Maryland, Arkansas, southern Ohio and even up along the Pacific coast to Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, where ocean winds have a warming effect. There have even been known species of transplanted palms that have survived as far north as Devon. The Chinese Trachycarpus fortunei is being grown experimentally on the Faroe Islands at 62°N, with young plants doing well so far.
Decide Which Seeds To Germinate
• Have a plan for what you are trying to accomplish, and select your seeds accordingly. Palm tree care begins with picking the right species to grow.
• Select species that will do well in your locality.
• Obtain the appropriate number of seeds for your needs.
• Always identify the seeds by species, source, and date when you collect or receive them. Dont throw everything into a bag to figure out later. Youll undoubtedly forget what is what.
• Be aware that there are regulations on the importing and international sale and trade of seeds. Often, phytosanitary permits are needed. Sometimes, with Endangered Species, a CITES permit might be required, even on species of palms. Assume it is necessary for cycad seeds and refer to specific CITES laws.
Get High Quality Seeds
• Best results usually come from fresh seeds collected by the grower himself. Only collect ripe seeds. Avoid immature, green seeds. Ripe seeds have mature fruit color and are ready to drop.
• If purchased, obtain seeds from a reputable dealer. An unscrupulous broker may intentionally or unwittingly give seeds a false or a more sellable species name to facilitate the sale. You will be unaware of this problem for some time. Such mistakes have led to great confusions with species of palm trees, especially with recent introductions from Madagascar.
• When you find a good seed broker, stick with him. He wants your repeat business.
• If purchased, inquire about the age of the seeds. Seeds from distant lands can take months to get into your hands. Except for his source, a seed broker will usually share information he knows.
• Poor germination results are usually the result of old or poor quality seeds.
• Obtain a USDA Import permit if you plan to import seeds internationally
Clean Off The Seed's Fruit
• Before your seeds are shipped to you, insist the fruit is removed to avoid confiscation by the USDA.
• Likewise, clean fruit from seeds you are bringing into your state or into the country.
• Rot problems may develop when sewing seeds if fruit is left on the seed. Dry the seeds prior to shipping or transport.
• Wear gloves when cleaning fruit on some species such as Caryota and Arenga.
• Seeds germinate better with the fruit off and there are less fungal problems.
• Fruit contains certain germination inhibitors. Cleaning of the fruit eliminates these inhibitors.
Checking Authenticity Of The Seeds
• This is one of the hardest things to do. You want to verify that the seeds received are truly what you thought you were purchasing. The same applies to seeds collected in habitat.
• In habitat, either at the time or later, try your best to identify the species collected.
• On shipped seeds, utilize references with seed morphology such as "Genera Palmerum" to verify authenticity of the seed you have received.
Checking Viability Of Seeds Obtained
• Depending on the species, seed viability varies from several weeks to six to twelve months. Small seeds typically have shorter duration of viability. Understory and more tropical seeds likewise have a shorter time from ripening to loss of viability. As anticipated, seeds that are from more arid habitats typically have longer viability windows.
• Check the seeds general appearance. Good seeds look fresher and feel heavier in the hand. Old seeds look desiccated and feel lighter.
• Check seed size. If you know what a seed is should look like and seeds received are much smaller, either you have bad seeds or another species.
• Pinch Test: Viable seeds never collapse when pinched between your thumb and forefinger. If the seeds do collapse, they are either immature seeds or they are old, desiccated seeds with internal air cavities from rot to the embryo or endocarp. Discard such seeds.
• Float Test: Viable seeds invariably sink to the bottom when soaked in water and bad seeds float for the reasons described above. This is providing that any outer fibrous covering layer of the seed has been removed. There are a few exceptions, but floaters usually do not germinate.
• Cutting a representative seed in half may reveal any early rot or desiccation problems.
Soaking The Seeds
• Seeds of palm trees recently cleaned of their ripe, supple fruit do not need to be soaked.
• Seeds shipped internationally or from a broker invariably benefit from a 24 hour soak in clean water. Some growers advocate chlorine free water for soaking.
• Soaking prior to sewing gives the seed a jump start and helps revitalize older seeds. With short-lived embryo viability time-windows, such rehydration may be the difference between success and failure.
• Soaking may be eliminated if one is utilizing an effective automatic and intermittent misting system. With most conventional techniques, however, soaking will prove advantageous.
• Soaking may protect the seed from future inadvertent under-watering after sewing.
• Over-soaking will produce bubbles from fermentation of fruit remaining on the seeds. If longer soaking periods are used, change the water daily.
This report will briefly present the structure and physical construction of palm trees, biologically called Arecaceae. Furthermore the reproduction and various aspects of palm trees will be explained.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Morphology of Palm Trees
2.1 Palm Tree – Stems
2.2 Palm Tree Types – Leaves Information
2.3 Palm Tree – Flowers
2.4 Palm Tree – Fruit
2.5 Palm Tree – Seeds
3.0 Range and Habitat
4.0 Uses and Cultivation
5.0 Germination
6.0 Conclusion
7.0 Reference List
The purpose of this report is to give an insight into the genus of Arecaceae and to specify and evaluate the development as well as the physical structure, differences and reproduction of palm trees, with the help of various internet sources.

palm (päm)
1. Any of various chiefly tropical evergreen trees, shrubs, or woody vines of the family Palmae (or Arecaceae), characteristically having unbranched trunks with a crown of large pinnate or palmate leaves having conspicuous parallel venation.
This is the definition of a palm tree as it can be found within a dictionary.
Arecaceae or Palmae (also known by the name Palmaceae, which is considered taxonomically invalid, or by the common name palm tree), the palm family, is a family of flowering plants, the only family in the monocot order Arecales. There are roughly 202 currently known genera with around 2600 species, most of which are restricted to tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate climates. Most palms are distinguished by their large, compound, evergreen leaves arranged at the top of an unbranched stem. However, many palms are exceptions to this statement, and palms in fact exhibit an enormous diversity in physical characteristics. As well as being morphologically diverse, palms also inhabit nearly every type of habitat within their range, from rainforests to deserts.
Palms are among the best known and extensively cultivated plant families. They have been important to humans throughout much of history. Many common products and foods are derived from palms, and palms are also widely used in landscaping for their exotic appearance, making them one of the most economically important plants. In many historical cultures, palms were symbols for such ideas as victory, peace, and fertility. Today, palms remain a popular symbol for the tropics and vacations.
Evidence can also be found in samples of petrified palmwood.
80 million years has seen many species of palm evolve. As environmental changes happened, so many different species of palms evolved in different ways. From turbulent, volcanic landscapes to humid, tropical jungles and even in the cooler regions and at altitude with seasonal snow fall. With over 2800 known species, and more being discovered from time to time, palms have adapted and established well on this earth.
The method of distribution of palms across the planet is varied. Some palm seeds travel in the stomachs of birds and other animals in order to begin life further afield from their parent, in fact many rely on this particularly acidic method of accommodation in order to break down the seed wall for germination. Some palms establish themselves due to the export of fruit, for example dates, when the discarded seeds germinate and grow. The coconut has perfected a particularly effective method by means of falling into the sea and being taken by the ocean currents to distant shores, moving further afield with each generation, until now being established on every tropical coastline in the world. Another more recent method is the international trade of plants and seeds by collectors and commercial growers for prized garden and house plants.

Palms, for identification purposes. can be divided into two major groups: those that have palmate or fan-shaped leaves; and those that have pinnate, or feather-shaped leaves. The palmate-leaved species are characterized by a leaf structure in which all leaf segments arise from a single point, similar to the structure of a human hand. Pinnate leaves are characterized by leaves along each side of a central axis, similar in design to that of a feather.
Palm Tree (Palmaceae) have been termed the princes of the vegetable kingdom. Neither the anatomy of the Palms stems nor the conformation of Palm Tree flowers, however, entitles them to any such high position in the vegetable hierarchy. Palm Tree stems are not more complicated in structure than those of the common butcher’s broom (Ruscus); their flowers are for the most part as simple as those of a rush (Juncus). The order Palmaceae is characterized among monocotyledonous plants by the presence of an unbranched stem bearing a tuft of leaves at the extremity only, or with the leaves scattered; these leaves, often gigantic in size, being usually firm in texture and branching in a pinnate or palmate fashion. The flowers are borne on simple or branching spikes, very generally protected by a spathe or spathes, and each consists typically of a perianth of six greenish, somewhat inconspicuous segments in two rows, with six stamens, or pistil of 1-3 carpel's, each with a single ovule and a succulent or dry fruit. The seed consists almost exclusively of endosperm, Upper portion of Coconut seed, albumen in a cavity in showing the embryo, embedded in endosperm, which is lodged the relatively very minute embryo. These are the general characteristics by which this very well-defined order may be discriminated, but, in a group containing considerably more than a thousand species, Palm Tree deviations from the general plan of structure occur with some frequency. As the characteristic appearances of palms depend to a large extent upon these modifications, some of the more important among them may briefly be noticed.


The adult Palms leaf generally presents a sheathing base tapering upwards into the stalk or petiole, and this again bearing the lamina or blade. The sheath and the petiole very often bear stout spines, as in the rattan palms and when, in course of time, the upper parts of the leaf decay and fall off, the base of thePalms leaf-stalk and sheath often remain, either entirely or in their fibrous portions only, which latter constitute the investment to the Palms stem already mentioned. In size the leaves vary within very wide limits, some being only a few inches in extent, while those of the noble Carycta I , may be measured in tens of feet. In form the Palm Tree leaves are very rarely simple; usually they are more or less divided, sometimes, as in Caryota, extremely so. In Palm tree species of Geonoma, Vers chaffeltia and some others, the leaf splits into two divisions at the apex and not elsewhere; but more usually the leaves branch regularly. The form of the segments is generally more or less linear, b


The individual Palms flowers are usually small (figs. 3, 6), greenish and insignificant; their general structure has been mentioned already. Modifications from the Palm Tree typical structure arise from difference of texture, and specially from suppression of parts, in consequence of which the Palm flowers are very generally unisexual, though the flowers of the two sexes are generally produced on the same Palm tree (monoecious), not indeed always in the same season, for a Palm tree in one year may produce all male flowers and in the next all female flowers. Sometimes the Palms flowers are modified by an increase in the number of parts; thus the usually six stamens may be represented by I2’to 24 or even by hundreds. The carpel's are usually three in number, and more or less combined; but they may be free, and their number may be reduced to two or even one. In any case each carpel contains but a single ovule.


The order (Palm Tree) is mainly tropical, but with some Palms in warm temperate regions. Chamaerops humilis is a native of the Mediterranean region, and the date-palm yields fruit in southern Europe as far north as 38° N. latitude. In eastern Asia the Palms, like other tropical families, extend along the coast reaching Korea and the south of Japan. In America a few small genera occur in the southern United States and California; and in South America the southern limit is reached in the Chilean genus Juhaea (the Chile coco-nut) at 37° S. latitude. The great centers of distribution for Palm Trees are tropical America and tropical Asia; tropical Africa contains only 2 genera, though some of the species, like the Doum Palm Tree (Hyphaene thebaica) and the Deleb or Palmyra palm tree(Borassusfiabellifer) have a wide distribution. With three exceptions Old and New World forms are distinct—the coco-nut (Cocos nucifera) is widely distributed on the coasts of tropical Africa, in India and the South Seas, the other species of the genus Palm are confined to the western hemisphere. The oil palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) is a native of west tropical Africa, the other Palm Tree species of the genus is tropical American. Raphia has also species in both tropical Africa and tropical America.

It is estimated that only 130 palm species grow naturally beyond the tropics, mostly in the subtropics. The northernmost native palm is Chamaerops humilis, which reaches 44°N latitude in southern France. The southernmost palm is the Rhopalostylis sapida, which reaches 44°S on the Chatham Islands where an oceanic climate prevails. Palms grow well under cultivation as far north as Scotland and British Columbia (Vancouver/ Vancouver Island).
Palms inhabit a variety of ecosystems. More than two thirds of palm species live in tropical forests, where some species grow tall enough to form part of the canopy and shorter ones form part of the understory. Some species form pure stands in areas with poor drainage or regular flooding, including Raphia hookeri which is common in coastal freshwater swamps in West Africa. Other palms live in tropical mountain habitats above 1000 meters, such as those in the genus Ceroxylon native to the Andes. Palms may also live in grasslands and scrublands, usually associated with a water source, and in desert oases such as the Date Palm. A few palms are adapted to extremely basic lime soils, while others are similarly adapted to very acidic serpentine soils.

An indication of the importance of Palms is that they are mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible, and at least 22 times in the Quran.
Fruit of the Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera
Arecaceae has great economic importance including coconut products, oils, dates, palm syrup, ivory nuts, carnauba wax, rattan cane, raffia and palm wood.
The type member of Arecaceae is the Areca palm, the fruit of which, the betel nut, is chewed with the betel leaf for intoxicating effects. Also belonging to the family of the Arecaceae are the Date Palm, harvested for its edible fruit; Rattans, whose stems are used extensively in furniture and baskets; and the Coconut. Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil produced by the oil palms in the genus Elaeis. Several species are harvested for heart of palm, a vegetable eaten in salads. Palm sap is sometimes fermented to produce palm wine or toddy, an alcoholic beverage common in parts of Africa, India, and the Philippines. The Palm Sunday festival uses palm leaves, usually from the Date Palm, to commemorate Jesus' entry to Jerusalem, when palm leaves were strewn on the road before him. Dragon's blood, a red resin used traditionally in medicine, varnish, and dyes, may be obtained from the fruit of Daemonorops species. Coir is a coarse water-resistant fiber extracted from the outer shell of coconuts, used in doormats, brushes, mattresses, and ropes. Some indigenous groups living in palm-rich areas use palms to make many of their necessary items and food. Sago, for example, a starch made from the pith of the trunk of the Sago Palm Metroxylon sagu, is a major staple food for lowland peoples of New Guinea and the Moluccas. Palm leaves are also valuable to some peoples as a material for thatching or clothing.
Washingtonia robusta trees line Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica, California.
Today, palms are valuable as ornamental plants and are often grown along streets in tropical and subtropical cities, and also along the Mediterranean coast in Europe. Farther north, palms are a common feature in botanical gardens or as indoor plants. Few palms tolerate severe cold, however, and the majority of the species are tropical or subtropical. The three most cold-tolerant species are Trachycarpus fortunei, native to eastern Asia, and Rhapidophyllum hystrix and Sabal minor, both native to the southeastern United States. For more details, see hardy palms.
The southeastern state of South Carolina is nicknamed the Palmetto State after the Cabbage Palmetto, logs from which were used to build the fort at Fort Moultrie. During the American Revolutionary War they were invaluable to those defending the fort, because their spongy wood absorbed or deflected the British cannonballs. Some palms can be grown as far north as Maryland, Arkansas, southern Ohio and even up along the Pacific coast to Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, where ocean winds have a warming effect. There have even been known species of transplanted palms that have survived as far north as Devon. The Chinese Trachycarpus fortunei is being grown experimentally on the Faroe Islands at 62°N, with young plants doing well so far.
Decide Which Seeds To Germinate
• Have a plan for what you are trying to accomplish, and select your seeds accordingly. Palm tree care begins with picking the right species to grow.
• Select species that will do well in your locality.
• Obtain the appropriate number of seeds for your needs.
• Always identify the seeds by species, source, and date when you collect or receive them. Dont throw everything into a bag to figure out later. Youll undoubtedly forget what is what.
• Be aware that there are regulations on the importing and international sale and trade of seeds. Often, phytosanitary permits are needed. Sometimes, with Endangered Species, a CITES permit might be required, even on species of palms. Assume it is necessary for cycad seeds and refer to specific CITES laws.
Get High Quality Seeds
• Best results usually come from fresh seeds collected by the grower himself. Only collect ripe seeds. Avoid immature, green seeds. Ripe seeds have mature fruit color and are ready to drop.
• If purchased, obtain seeds from a reputable dealer. An unscrupulous broker may intentionally or unwittingly give seeds a false or a more sellable species name to facilitate the sale. You will be unaware of this problem for some time. Such mistakes have led to great confusions with species of palm trees, especially with recent introductions from Madagascar.
• When you find a good seed broker, stick with him. He wants your repeat business.
• If purchased, inquire about the age of the seeds. Seeds from distant lands can take months to get into your hands. Except for his source, a seed broker will usually share information he knows.
• Poor germination results are usually the result of old or poor quality seeds.
• Obtain a USDA Import permit if you plan to import seeds internationally
Clean Off The Seed's Fruit

• Likewise, clean fruit from seeds you are bringing into your state or into the country.
• Rot problems may develop when sewing seeds if fruit is left on the seed. Dry the seeds prior to shipping or transport.
• Wear gloves when cleaning fruit on some species such as Caryota and Arenga.
• Seeds germinate better with the fruit off and there are less fungal problems.
• Fruit contains certain germination inhibitors. Cleaning of the fruit eliminates these inhibitors.
Checking Authenticity Of The Seeds
• This is one of the hardest things to do. You want to verify that the seeds received are truly what you thought you were purchasing. The same applies to seeds collected in habitat.
• In habitat, either at the time or later, try your best to identify the species collected.
• On shipped seeds, utilize references with seed morphology such as "Genera Palmerum" to verify authenticity of the seed you have received.
Checking Viability Of Seeds Obtained
• Depending on the species, seed viability varies from several weeks to six to twelve months. Small seeds typically have shorter duration of viability. Understory and more tropical seeds likewise have a shorter time from ripening to loss of viability. As anticipated, seeds that are from more arid habitats typically have longer viability windows.
• Check the seeds general appearance. Good seeds look fresher and feel heavier in the hand. Old seeds look desiccated and feel lighter.
• Check seed size. If you know what a seed is should look like and seeds received are much smaller, either you have bad seeds or another species.
• Pinch Test: Viable seeds never collapse when pinched between your thumb and forefinger. If the seeds do collapse, they are either immature seeds or they are old, desiccated seeds with internal air cavities from rot to the embryo or endocarp. Discard such seeds.
• Float Test: Viable seeds invariably sink to the bottom when soaked in water and bad seeds float for the reasons described above. This is providing that any outer fibrous covering layer of the seed has been removed. There are a few exceptions, but floaters usually do not germinate.
• Cutting a representative seed in half may reveal any early rot or desiccation problems.
Soaking The Seeds
• Seeds of palm trees recently cleaned of their ripe, supple fruit do not need to be soaked.
• Seeds shipped internationally or from a broker invariably benefit from a 24 hour soak in clean water. Some growers advocate chlorine free water for soaking.
• Soaking prior to sewing gives the seed a jump start and helps revitalize older seeds. With short-lived embryo viability time-windows, such rehydration may be the difference between success and failure.
• Soaking may be eliminated if one is utilizing an effective automatic and intermittent misting system. With most conventional techniques, however, soaking will prove advantageous.
• Soaking may protect the seed from future inadvertent under-watering after sewing.
• Over-soaking will produce bubbles from fermentation of fruit remaining on the seeds. If longer soaking periods are used, change the water daily.
Germination Techniques: Community Pots Or Beds
• This is a method by which seeds are sewn in a container or bed, typically many seeds placed side by side in the germinating soil.
• Good for day to day observation and offers a grower the opportunity to remove seedlings at will.
• Advantages: Easy observation, erect seedlings, good air circulation, easy application of chemicals or fertilizer, application of bottom heat, and independent removal of seedlings as needed.
• Disadvantages: Somewhat more difficult to set up, potential for less heat or humidity, greater desiccation risk, chance for collateral contamination by fungus.
• Most frequently used technique by commercial growers.
Germination Techniques: "Baggie" Technique
• An easy technique of placing seeds with some slightly damp moss into a transparent plastic baggie and putting the baggie in a warm environment, such as near a water heater.
• Advantages: improved humidity, inexpensive, simple, space efficient, mobile, and good for small numbers of seeds
• Disadvantages: Poor visibility, twisted seedlings, potential for rapid fungal demise, lack of ventilation, inferior light, risk of under-hydration without warning, and need for timely removal when ready or one gets seedling spaghetti.
• Preferred technique by some hobbyists.
Specialized Germination Procedures
• This includes special procedures done to particular species of palm seeds to improve poor germination results from standard techniques. Although successful for a few species, in general these practices are never needed for most species. However, there are some special rules in palm tree care and germination.
• Plucking out the eye of a large coccoidal seed of species such as Jubaeopsis cafra. In skilled hands, this technique has been reported as successful.
• Utilizing very high heat for promoting germination of some genera such as Acrocomia and Lemurophoenix.
• Germination of Borassus species in extremely deep containers to have room for the large and deep root radical.
Germination Environment
• A temperature/humidity controlled greenhouse environment is ideal. This offers more heat, higher low temperatures, and more consistent humidity. There is also less risk of predators, weed contamination and weather-related problems.
• A simply constructed germination box made out of styrofoam with a plastic lid can be constructed cheaply and work well. It is ideal for the hobbyist. A simple warming device such as a light bulb can be utilized.
• If not utilizing a greenhouse or germination box, provide your seeds with the warmest area possible with good humidity and away from direct, hot sunlight.
• Humidity levels of 60 to 70% are ideal. Avoid overly damp locations or rot will develop.
Utilization Of Bottom Heat
• This is a system of utilizing artificial heat below the community pot to accomplish or accelerate germination.
• Commercial heating mats are available with thermostat controls.
• Advantageous for most species. Speeds germination. Is not inexpensive to use.
• Bottom heat requires a flat surface to function. It is best to shield loss of heat from the bottom of your mat. The distance from the seeds to bottom heat is critical. If too close it may overheat seeds.
• For species from colder natural habitats, bottom heat may diminish germination rates and be totally unnecessary.
• It will increases water requirements and/or frequency of misting.
• A thermometer should be utilized to verify optimal medium temperature.
• Be aware that old mats present a fire hazard. Mats should be replaced when they are old or show signs of deterioration.
Simple Outdoor Germination
• This means germinating outdoors in a small pot or the garden, nothing fancy. This can be successful with many species in you live in an area that gets adequate heat and not too cold. One should avoid direct sunlight on most species and keep the soil somewhat damp.
• One follows many of the guidelines outlined elsewhere in this article. This can be done simply under a bed of mulch in the garden.
• Outdoor germination can be successful on many of the cooler growing species of the genera Howea, Chamaedorea, Butia and Parajubaea.
• This is a method by which seeds are sewn in a container or bed, typically many seeds placed side by side in the germinating soil.
• Good for day to day observation and offers a grower the opportunity to remove seedlings at will.
• Advantages: Easy observation, erect seedlings, good air circulation, easy application of chemicals or fertilizer, application of bottom heat, and independent removal of seedlings as needed.
• Disadvantages: Somewhat more difficult to set up, potential for less heat or humidity, greater desiccation risk, chance for collateral contamination by fungus.
• Most frequently used technique by commercial growers.
Germination Techniques: "Baggie" Technique
• An easy technique of placing seeds with some slightly damp moss into a transparent plastic baggie and putting the baggie in a warm environment, such as near a water heater.
• Advantages: improved humidity, inexpensive, simple, space efficient, mobile, and good for small numbers of seeds
• Disadvantages: Poor visibility, twisted seedlings, potential for rapid fungal demise, lack of ventilation, inferior light, risk of under-hydration without warning, and need for timely removal when ready or one gets seedling spaghetti.
• Preferred technique by some hobbyists.
Specialized Germination Procedures
• This includes special procedures done to particular species of palm seeds to improve poor germination results from standard techniques. Although successful for a few species, in general these practices are never needed for most species. However, there are some special rules in palm tree care and germination.
• Plucking out the eye of a large coccoidal seed of species such as Jubaeopsis cafra. In skilled hands, this technique has been reported as successful.
• Utilizing very high heat for promoting germination of some genera such as Acrocomia and Lemurophoenix.
• Germination of Borassus species in extremely deep containers to have room for the large and deep root radical.
Germination Environment
• A temperature/humidity controlled greenhouse environment is ideal. This offers more heat, higher low temperatures, and more consistent humidity. There is also less risk of predators, weed contamination and weather-related problems.
• A simply constructed germination box made out of styrofoam with a plastic lid can be constructed cheaply and work well. It is ideal for the hobbyist. A simple warming device such as a light bulb can be utilized.
• If not utilizing a greenhouse or germination box, provide your seeds with the warmest area possible with good humidity and away from direct, hot sunlight.
• Humidity levels of 60 to 70% are ideal. Avoid overly damp locations or rot will develop.
Utilization Of Bottom Heat
• This is a system of utilizing artificial heat below the community pot to accomplish or accelerate germination.
• Commercial heating mats are available with thermostat controls.
• Advantageous for most species. Speeds germination. Is not inexpensive to use.
• Bottom heat requires a flat surface to function. It is best to shield loss of heat from the bottom of your mat. The distance from the seeds to bottom heat is critical. If too close it may overheat seeds.
• For species from colder natural habitats, bottom heat may diminish germination rates and be totally unnecessary.
• It will increases water requirements and/or frequency of misting.
• A thermometer should be utilized to verify optimal medium temperature.
• Be aware that old mats present a fire hazard. Mats should be replaced when they are old or show signs of deterioration.
Simple Outdoor Germination
• One follows many of the guidelines outlined elsewhere in this article. This can be done simply under a bed of mulch in the garden.
• Outdoor germination can be successful on many of the cooler growing species of the genera Howea, Chamaedorea, Butia and Parajubaea.
Germination Medium/Soil
• It must provide a root substrate, moisture, nutrients and aeration.
• It is ideally loose enough for easy penetration of germination radical.
• It should accept water easily and not dry out too quickly.
• There are various opinions on the ideal mix. The mix can be made by hand or purchased as germination mix. Typically used are mixtures of perlite and peat moss in a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio.
• Wetting agents are often added to medium to help with watering.
• Pure peat moss can be used but can turn into a hard block if ever allowed to fully dry out.
• Other mediums: Sphagnum moss, sand, shavings, etc.
This report has identified the morphology of palm trees in their distinctive parts, as well as it gives basic information on the habitat of palm trees, their use, cultivation and germination. Additionally the part of germination contains some further detailed information which easily could be used as a reference for enthusiastic palm growers as a guideline to successfully germinate and grow own palm trees at home.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Exercise 5 (29.09.2009)
1.) Draw the database of the hotel (similar to the library database).
The following information may be requested on check-in:
Passport No.
Arrival by
Next Destination
Payment Method
Occupants of Room
Smoker Yes / No
Breakfast Yes / No
Room No.
Special Service?
Reason of Stay
2.) Go to the library website, search for the bibliography of database books in the library catalog (OPAC).

3.) Go to the library e-book database of Proquest, ABI / INFORM, Dissertation & Thesis.
The following links are sample results of the Proquest, ABI / INFORM, Dissertation & Thesis websites of the university library website:
The following information may be requested on check-in:
Passport No.
Arrival by
Next Destination
Payment Method
Occupants of Room
Smoker Yes / No
Breakfast Yes / No
Room No.
Special Service?
Reason of Stay
2.) Go to the library website, search for the bibliography of database books in the library catalog (OPAC).
Link to the database results:!53449@!3100001@!3100002&aspect=basic_search&menu=search&ri=1&source=!hzndb&term=DATABASE&index=SUBJECT#focus
3.) Go to the library e-book database of Proquest, ABI / INFORM, Dissertation & Thesis.
The following links are sample results of the Proquest, ABI / INFORM, Dissertation & Thesis websites of the university library website:
Monday, September 21, 2009
Exercise 4 (21.09.2009)
1.) Where can you find information about Nobel Prize? Who get the Nobel Prize this year?
The official website of the Nobel Prize Foundation is
Information can be found on this website.
This year there was none being rewarded yet, because the Awards will be held beginning of October.
For a detailed list of the Nobel Price Laureates 2008 I kindly would like to redirect you to the following link, which offers the details:
What is the Nobel Prize?
Many wonder why Nobel established the Nobel Prize. It has often been assumed that he sought to make restitution for creating dynamite. Nobel did catch a glimpse of a French obituary for himself when his brother died and a French newspaper thought Nobel had died. Among other colorful terms, the newspapers called Alfred Nobel a “merchant of death.” Thus the restitution to reward the positive aspects of the world remains the popular theory on the establishment of the Nobel Prize.
Alfred Nobel died in 1896. The first Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. Nobel stipulated exactly how the prizes should be determined, and what bodies should be responsible for selecting and awarding prizes.
According to Nobel’s will, the Swedish Academy of Science was to award a yearly Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry. The Caroline Institute at Stockholm would award the Nobel Prize for medicine. The Academy of Stockholm would determine the Nobel Prize for literature. Five members selected by the Norwegian government select the recipient of the annual Peace Prize. The Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway, while the other Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden. Each award was to be given without regard to nationality, and was meant to represent the best and brightest contributors to each field.
Some confusion exists over a sixth category, the Nobel Prize in Economics. This is not technically a Nobel Prize because it was not listed in Nobel’s will, and it does use Nobel’s foundation to award funds. This award was established in 1969 and is awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences. Monies awarded come from the Bank of Sweden.
Typically the Nobel Prize means one wins a medal, international recognition, and a sum of money for ongoing work in one’s field. Often the money is not greatly important since people receiving the award tend to be at the end of their careers. Currently, those receiving the Prize may receive a little over one million US dollars (USD).
Since the Prize’s establishment, over 750 awards have been given. The Nobel Prize tends not to be awarded posthumously, which has met with some controversy. Some of the recipients of the award have also been criticized. For example, Mahatma Gandhi never won the Nobel Peace Prize despite his sterling efforts to promote non-violent protests and fair government in India.
Others have complained about the absence of a Nobel Prize for advances in the field of mathematics. In 2002, the Niels Henrik Abel Memorial Fund was created to fill in for this absence. Each year, five mathematicians from the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters select the Abel Prize recipient for his or her outstanding achievements in mathematics.
What is the Nobel Prize Foundation?
The Nobel Foundation is a private institution established in 1900 based on the will of Alfred Nobel. The Foundation manages the assets made available through the will for the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace. It represents the Nobel Institutions externally and administers informational activities and arrangements surrounding the presentation of the Nobel Prize. The Foundation also administers the Nobel Symposium Program.
2.) Summarize the information you got from SPU Library.
Instead of the SPU library website, I visited the Encarta website online.
What information did I find there searching for "automobile"? The following was found on the website:
The contents about the automobile is structured in categories and subcategories as followed:
I Introduction
- containing a definition and explanation
II Power System
- introducing the power system
A Engine
- describing the engine's functionality
B Engine Types
- describing different engine types
C Fuel Supply
- describing the fuel supply
D Exhaust System
- describing the emission exhaust of the machines
E Cooling and Heating System
- describing the system of how the machine handles heat & how the cooling system absorbs it
III Drivetrain
- definition of the way the engine works
A Transmission
- describes the transfer of engine power to become a movement
B Front- and Rear-Wheel-Drive
- describes the kinds and differences of the types of wheel-drives
IV Support Systems
- raising the topic of helping components
A Suspension System
- describes the absorbtion of energies (bumps) during the drive
B Wheels and Tires
- describes the functions and tasks of the wheels and tires
V Control System
- defines the way the vehicle is controlled
A Steering
- describes the function of the steering parts
B Brakes
- describes the functions of brakes
VI Electrical System
- defining the electric energy supply and necessity
A Ignition System
- describes the duty and function of the ignition system
VII Safety Features
Defines and describes various safety features modern cars are possessing
VIII History
- this part finally gives an insight into the history of the automobile development
A Internal-Combustion Engine
- describes the development of the internal-combustion engines
B Early Electric Cars
- describes the development of first electric cars
IX Automobiles in the 20th Century
- reports the further development of cars particularly of the 20th century
X New Technologies
- gives an insight into newly invented technologies in cateories
A Antipollution Strategies
- describes developments and achievements of the reduction of pollution and emission
B Hybrid-Electric Vehicles (HEVs)
- describes the new technology of a mixed power supply of fuel and electricity
C Computers and Navigation Devices
- describes the development of electronic control units and navigation devices (1990ies)
D Other Improvements
- describes new improvements in electronics and physics of automobiles
3.) What is the difference between general book and reference book?
The reference book is usually very topic related in a professional and advisory matter. The general book on the other side is rather related to stories, free writing and expression. A general book can for example be a novel of an author, a storybook. The reference books can be dictionaries, manuals etc. We refer to reference books in order to get answers on questions, whereas the general books might rather be of an entertaining nature.
Source: personal definition
4.) When do you need to search information from the reference collection?
Anytime a question arises, may it be about an electronic device, missing vocabulary or any knowledge we want to gain, then we may refer to reference books in order to find the answers.
Source: personal definition
5.) What type of reference collection that you like to use most? And why?
Hm, actually this answer is difficult to answer, because I think that in my daily life I'm refering to a couple of reference books or reference sources. I think that in my personal life this is usually done by questions arising ona topic, for which the answer I'm trying to find online. The obnly reference book I have at home is a Dictionary, but usually when I'm home, I'm referring to the internet, looking for the answers there.
But I can say that I prefer serious and trustworthyreferences, which deliver the necessary information in a precise and user-friendly way at "first sight". Illustrated references additionally are a nice eye-candy and can help to easen up the understanding many times.
Source: personal definition
6.) Copy one page of the specific book category you chose and write what you learned from this page.
Category chosen: INDEX
Well, what can I actually learn from an index. The point here is that the index usually is not necessarily a kind of book, it is mostly a part of a book.
It can be a part of any reference book. When we talk about "learning from the index", then one would normally say that there is no specific material inside the index that can be learned. But instead of being a subject of learning and studies, the index is a very helpful and structured guide and helps to make the book it is a part of most helpful and workable for you. The index is structured usually from A to Z and offers the keywords of subjects and the pages and references these keywords belong to.
But, an index can be a book or a website as well, containing a big collection of references and contents people can refer to. One example for this could also be a website, containing many links to other websites in alphabetical order or categorized.
Source: personal definition
The official website of the Nobel Prize Foundation is
Information can be found on this website.
This year there was none being rewarded yet, because the Awards will be held beginning of October.
For a detailed list of the Nobel Price Laureates 2008 I kindly would like to redirect you to the following link, which offers the details:
What is the Nobel Prize?

Alfred Nobel died in 1896. The first Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901. Nobel stipulated exactly how the prizes should be determined, and what bodies should be responsible for selecting and awarding prizes.
According to Nobel’s will, the Swedish Academy of Science was to award a yearly Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry. The Caroline Institute at Stockholm would award the Nobel Prize for medicine. The Academy of Stockholm would determine the Nobel Prize for literature. Five members selected by the Norwegian government select the recipient of the annual Peace Prize. The Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway, while the other Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden. Each award was to be given without regard to nationality, and was meant to represent the best and brightest contributors to each field.
Some confusion exists over a sixth category, the Nobel Prize in Economics. This is not technically a Nobel Prize because it was not listed in Nobel’s will, and it does use Nobel’s foundation to award funds. This award was established in 1969 and is awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences. Monies awarded come from the Bank of Sweden.
Typically the Nobel Prize means one wins a medal, international recognition, and a sum of money for ongoing work in one’s field. Often the money is not greatly important since people receiving the award tend to be at the end of their careers. Currently, those receiving the Prize may receive a little over one million US dollars (USD).
Since the Prize’s establishment, over 750 awards have been given. The Nobel Prize tends not to be awarded posthumously, which has met with some controversy. Some of the recipients of the award have also been criticized. For example, Mahatma Gandhi never won the Nobel Peace Prize despite his sterling efforts to promote non-violent protests and fair government in India.
Others have complained about the absence of a Nobel Prize for advances in the field of mathematics. In 2002, the Niels Henrik Abel Memorial Fund was created to fill in for this absence. Each year, five mathematicians from the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters select the Abel Prize recipient for his or her outstanding achievements in mathematics.
What is the Nobel Prize Foundation?
The Nobel Foundation is a private institution established in 1900 based on the will of Alfred Nobel. The Foundation manages the assets made available through the will for the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace. It represents the Nobel Institutions externally and administers informational activities and arrangements surrounding the presentation of the Nobel Prize. The Foundation also administers the Nobel Symposium Program.
2.) Summarize the information you got from SPU Library.

What information did I find there searching for "automobile"? The following was found on the website:
The contents about the automobile is structured in categories and subcategories as followed:
I Introduction
- containing a definition and explanation
II Power System
- introducing the power system
A Engine
- describing the engine's functionality
B Engine Types
- describing different engine types
C Fuel Supply
- describing the fuel supply
D Exhaust System
- describing the emission exhaust of the machines
E Cooling and Heating System
- describing the system of how the machine handles heat & how the cooling system absorbs it
III Drivetrain
- definition of the way the engine works
A Transmission
- describes the transfer of engine power to become a movement
B Front- and Rear-Wheel-Drive
- describes the kinds and differences of the types of wheel-drives
IV Support Systems
- raising the topic of helping components
A Suspension System
- describes the absorbtion of energies (bumps) during the drive
B Wheels and Tires
- describes the functions and tasks of the wheels and tires
V Control System
- defines the way the vehicle is controlled
A Steering
- describes the function of the steering parts
B Brakes
- describes the functions of brakes
VI Electrical System
- defining the electric energy supply and necessity
A Ignition System
- describes the duty and function of the ignition system
VII Safety Features
Defines and describes various safety features modern cars are possessing

- this part finally gives an insight into the history of the automobile development
A Internal-Combustion Engine
- describes the development of the internal-combustion engines
B Early Electric Cars
- describes the development of first electric cars
IX Automobiles in the 20th Century
- reports the further development of cars particularly of the 20th century
X New Technologies
- gives an insight into newly invented technologies in cateories
A Antipollution Strategies
- describes developments and achievements of the reduction of pollution and emission
B Hybrid-Electric Vehicles (HEVs)
- describes the new technology of a mixed power supply of fuel and electricity
C Computers and Navigation Devices
- describes the development of electronic control units and navigation devices (1990ies)
D Other Improvements
- describes new improvements in electronics and physics of automobiles
3.) What is the difference between general book and reference book?

Source: personal definition
4.) When do you need to search information from the reference collection?

Source: personal definition
5.) What type of reference collection that you like to use most? And why?
Hm, actually this answer is difficult to answer, because I think that in my daily life I'm refering to a couple of reference books or reference sources. I think that in my personal life this is usually done by questions arising ona topic, for which the answer I'm trying to find online. The obnly reference book I have at home is a Dictionary, but usually when I'm home, I'm referring to the internet, looking for the answers there.
But I can say that I prefer serious and trustworthyreferences, which deliver the necessary information in a precise and user-friendly way at "first sight". Illustrated references additionally are a nice eye-candy and can help to easen up the understanding many times.
Source: personal definition
6.) Copy one page of the specific book category you chose and write what you learned from this page.
Category chosen: INDEX
Well, what can I actually learn from an index. The point here is that the index usually is not necessarily a kind of book, it is mostly a part of a book.
It can be a part of any reference book. When we talk about "learning from the index", then one would normally say that there is no specific material inside the index that can be learned. But instead of being a subject of learning and studies, the index is a very helpful and structured guide and helps to make the book it is a part of most helpful and workable for you. The index is structured usually from A to Z and offers the keywords of subjects and the pages and references these keywords belong to.
But, an index can be a book or a website as well, containing a big collection of references and contents people can refer to. One example for this could also be a website, containing many links to other websites in alphabetical order or categorized.
Source: personal definition
Monday, September 14, 2009
Exercise 3 (14.09.2009)
1.) Differences between a journal and a magazine:
Journals often (but not always) have the word "journal" somewhere in their title.
Journal articles are written by experts in the field, and indicate the authors and their affiliations. Articles are usually reviewed and critically evaluated by a board of experts in the field (refereed). On the other hand, some magazine articles are not signed and are not evaluated by experts in the field, but by editors or staff.
Journal articles are usually longer articles, providing in-depth analysis of topics. Magazine articles are shorter and provide broader overviews of topics.
Journal articles are written in the jargon of the field for scholarly readers (professors, researchers, or students). Magazine articles are usually written in non-technical language for anyone to understand.
Journal articles often attempt to prove a thesis by experimentation or documentary evidence, are usually more structured, and may include these sections: abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion, bibliography.
Journal articles always have bibliographies and/or footnotes listing sources consulted by the author(s).
Journal articles often include charts or graphics, but rarely include lots of glossy photographs or advertising.
Journals are usually published less frequently than magazines, often quarterly or every two months.
Page Numbers:
Journal page numbers are usually sequential through all issues in a volume. Magazine pages numbers usually start over with each issue.
3.) What is the "Call Number" on the SPU Library Website?
Putting Call Numbers in Shelf Order:
To understand how call numbers are put in order in Library of Congress Classification, again look at each section of the call number.
Why is this important to know?
Because books are classified by subject, you can often find several helpful books on the same shelf, or nearby. For example, within the same call number LB2395, there are other guides for college study.
4.) What are sources of knowledge? Identify as many as you know.
- Books
Source: personal definition
Furthermore we can consider the following passage when it comes to the general sources and mediums of knowledge.
1. People:
2. Books:
3. Experience:
4. Experimentation and observation:
5.Thinking and pondering:
5.) What did you read this week?
Recently I read various source websites about King Rama IV, as for the subject Thai Studies the students are requested to issue a presentation about various Kings of Thailand, where my group has Rama IV to issue a presentation about.
Journals often (but not always) have the word "journal" somewhere in their title.

Journal articles are written by experts in the field, and indicate the authors and their affiliations. Articles are usually reviewed and critically evaluated by a board of experts in the field (refereed). On the other hand, some magazine articles are not signed and are not evaluated by experts in the field, but by editors or staff.
Journal articles are usually longer articles, providing in-depth analysis of topics. Magazine articles are shorter and provide broader overviews of topics.
Journal articles are written in the jargon of the field for scholarly readers (professors, researchers, or students). Magazine articles are usually written in non-technical language for anyone to understand.
Journal articles often attempt to prove a thesis by experimentation or documentary evidence, are usually more structured, and may include these sections: abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion, bibliography.

Journal articles always have bibliographies and/or footnotes listing sources consulted by the author(s).
Journal articles often include charts or graphics, but rarely include lots of glossy photographs or advertising.
Journals are usually published less frequently than magazines, often quarterly or every two months.
Page Numbers:
Journal page numbers are usually sequential through all issues in a volume. Magazine pages numbers usually start over with each issue.
Samples of Journals:
Various international journal names can be found on the following website:
Samples of Magazines:
Many international magazine names can be found on the following website:
- Time Magazine
2.) DC and LC classification:
Library of Congress Classification SystemThe Library of Congress Classification System (LC System) is used to organize books in many academic and university libraries throughout the United States and world.
The interdisciplinary nature of geography requires the use of material from a variety of subject areas. This outline, which is part of the Geography site at The Mining Company should assist you to locate areas of the library to begin your research.
The LC System organizes material in libraries according to twenty-one branches of knowledge. The 21 categories (labeled A-Z except I,O,W,X and Y) are further divided by adding one or two additional letters and a set of numbers.
The system is managed with the following system:
A - General Works
B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History
D - History: General & Outside the Americas
E - History: United States
F - History: United States Local & America
G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
H - Social Sciences
J - Political Science
K - Law
L - Education
M - Music
N - Fine Arts
P - Language and Literature
Q - Science
R - Medicine
S - Agriculture
T - Technology
U - Military Science
V - Naval Science
Z - Library Science & Information Resources
Various international journal names can be found on the following website:
Samples of Magazines:
Many international magazine names can be found on the following website:
- Time Magazine
2.) DC and LC classification:
Library of Congress Classification SystemThe Library of Congress Classification System (LC System) is used to organize books in many academic and university libraries throughout the United States and world.
The interdisciplinary nature of geography requires the use of material from a variety of subject areas. This outline, which is part of the Geography site at The Mining Company should assist you to locate areas of the library to begin your research.
The LC System organizes material in libraries according to twenty-one branches of knowledge. The 21 categories (labeled A-Z except I,O,W,X and Y) are further divided by adding one or two additional letters and a set of numbers.
The system is managed with the following system:
A - General Works
B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History
D - History: General & Outside the Americas
E - History: United States
F - History: United States Local & America
G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
H - Social Sciences
J - Political Science
K - Law
L - Education
M - Music
N - Fine Arts
P - Language and Literature
Q - Science
R - Medicine
S - Agriculture
T - Technology
U - Military Science
V - Naval Science
Z - Library Science & Information Resources
3.) What is the "Call Number" on the SPU Library Website?
Each book in the library has a unique call number. A call number is like an address: it tells us where the book is located in the library. Example for a call number at the SPU library: SH 456 .H45M 1986.
Putting Call Numbers in Shelf Order:
To understand how call numbers are put in order in Library of Congress Classification, again look at each section of the call number.

Why is this important to know?
Because books are classified by subject, you can often find several helpful books on the same shelf, or nearby. For example, within the same call number LB2395, there are other guides for college study.

4.) What are sources of knowledge? Identify as many as you know.

The scheme above shows the factors related to turning Data into wisdom.
In regards to the sources of knowledge, there are a plenty of sources out there, which offer and provide information frequently. Examples for such sources are the following:
- Books
- Internet
- TV
- Newspapers
- Journals
- Radio
- Handouts
Source: personal definition
Furthermore we can consider the following passage when it comes to the general sources and mediums of knowledge.
1. People:
I think people are the biggest source of knowledge for anybody. Right from childhood, we have learned things by watching others. Whatever field you want to gain knowledge in, there must be many who have enough experience in that field.
So make use of this valuable source of information by learning from the experience, accomplishments, mistakes and expertise of others. Study carefully and associate with people who are experts in the field you want to gain knowledge about.
So make use of this valuable source of information by learning from the experience, accomplishments, mistakes and expertise of others. Study carefully and associate with people who are experts in the field you want to gain knowledge about.
2. Books:
The next best source of knowledge can be books. There are millions and millions of books written throughout the world in every language and on almost any topic imaginable. Whatever problem you are facing must have been faced by somebody else before, and its solution is likely to have been preserved in the form of a book. If you are serious about gaining knowledge on a topic, then read any book, magazine, article etc. you can lay your hands on related to that topic. Read as much as you can.
3. Experience:
This is another important resource for the seeker of knowledge. It is said that experience is a great teacher, so learn from your past experiences and the experience of others. Learn from your and others' past and present achievements as well as mistakes.
4. Experimentation and observation:
Experimentation is to try out new things and observation is to pay attention to small and big details.
If you want to learn something new, you may have to experiment and observe a lot. You would need to explore in deep, try out new things to see what works and what does not. Observe not just your own efforts, but also of others.
Experimenting new things and observation can help you in learning very quickly. People who do not experiment or observe much may take a long time to learn. Keep in mind though, that while experimenting, you may encounter a few failures too. Do not become discouraged as failures are a part of the learning curve, specially while attempting something new. Try to learn from failures instead of becoming disheartened.
If you want to learn something new, you may have to experiment and observe a lot. You would need to explore in deep, try out new things to see what works and what does not. Observe not just your own efforts, but also of others.
Experimenting new things and observation can help you in learning very quickly. People who do not experiment or observe much may take a long time to learn. Keep in mind though, that while experimenting, you may encounter a few failures too. Do not become discouraged as failures are a part of the learning curve, specially while attempting something new. Try to learn from failures instead of becoming disheartened.
5.Thinking and pondering:
While learning a new thing, you need to concentrate a lot. Just reading lots of books is not sufficient as you need to fully grasp what you are reading. Deep understanding about a subject is likely to come only through deep thinking and contemplation.
5.) What did you read this week?

Due to this reason I read a couple of different websites containing data about King Rama IV, giving details about his biography and his reign as a King of Thailand. The information I read was turned into useful data I added to the presentation.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Exercise 2 (07.09.2009)
1.) What are information literacy skills?
Information Literacy Skills are skills people retreive as a lifelong experience which finally lead mankind forward with the experiences made, the lectures received and the knowledge obtained.
Source: personal definition
Source1 (internet):
"Definition of Information Literacy
An individual who is information literate is able to:
- Determine the extent of information needed
- Access the needed information effectively and efficiently
- Evaluate information and its sources critically
- Incorporate selected information into one's knowledge base
- Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
- Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally (1)
Information literacy is, therefore, being able to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information" (1). Computer literacy involves gaining familiarity with hardware, software applications, and databases as well as an understanding of how technology works. Developing computer literacy is necessary in order to become information literate, as information technology has become an integral part of obtaining access to information and managing it. However, learning critical thinking skills - comprehension, analysis, application, synthesis, and evaluation - is what distinguishes information literacy from the "fluency with technology" that comes with computer literacy."
Source 2 (internet):
Definition Information Literacy:
- Accessing information efficiently and effectively
- Evaluating information critically and competently
- Using information accurately and creatively
2.) What is SQRW?
SQRW is an abbreviation of the four main steps of a specialized and simplified strategy on how to read textbooks and taking notes efficiently. The steps are as followed:
This step is the preview of a chapter and topic we want to know more about. At this first step we preview an article or subject before getting into the details. This preview is done by skimming and scanning the subject's contents, attached graphs or pictures as well as titles, headlines and summaries in order to get the first insight and the picture what the text is about.
The second step consists of questions we should have in our mind, which actually form the purpose of our reading. Those questions also maintain our interest as we are trying to find the answers for our questions within the article. Use basic questions such as "who, what, when, where, why or how to form your questions.
This step is finally reading the article and finding the answers for the questions we defined during the second step. This step might force us to adapt our questions to the contents as we move along with the reading. Even new questions may arise.
This step is the part of "preserving the information obtained". It means that here we do take the notes into our notebook in order to collect the gathered information and to refer to it later. Taking notes includes writing down the most important and relevant information only.
Source: personal definition
Source 1 (internet):
SQRW is a strategy for talking notes and reading. SQRW stands for:
- Survey
Survey is when you just look through a sheet of paper or a book quickly and find the main ideas of
what it is all about. Read the title, summary, conclusion to get a better under standing of what it is about.
- Question
Always keep a question in mind it will help you to understand more about the thing that you are reading from for example if the title of a story is "Ways to hurt someone badly" use the words who, what, when, where, what to understand more.
- Read
Read the information on each heading to answer every questioned you asked yourself. While you are doing this activity you may need to change a question for it to be answered.
- Write
Write the answers and the questions into a notebook reread it to make sure that it is contains all the important things.
3.) Use the Big 6 Skills (Step 1-6) of the topic you know best.
- Step 1: Define the Problem, Information Requirement:
My topic is the drawing using a simple pencil and plain paper.
I did chose this topic because I used to draw as a hobby and really enjoyed doing it when I had some freetime in the Past. I am a rather realistic drawer and prefer to draw real things or places out of my own imagination - not in the way of visiting a place and copy what I see with my eyes.
Drawing can be the expression of imagination and creativity through an external mode such as the pencil and the paper, used to draw.
It can be just a hobby, a profession or the step to e.g. professional architecture.
- Step 2: Information Seeking Strategies:
Keywords for Drawing:
"How to draw" offers some websites on basic drawing exercises.
"Professional drawing" offers some advanced drawing examples.
"Drawing" offers a rather general result of drawing related websites.
"Learn to draw" offers a variety of tutorial websites with samples, exercises and hints.
- Step 3: Location and Access:
- Step 4: Use of Information:
The information gathered from those websites mentioned above might be helpful for people who want to learn how to draw the figures, given as samples on those websites. They partially help out with step-by-step instructions and illustrations which the interested user can follow or rather "copy" easily.
- Step 5: Synthesis: Putting it all together:
The following subtopics, in my opinion, are important to think and care about when it comes to drawing:
- Perspectives:
The way of drawing things and places with correct 3D perspectives and the right angles in order to make the drawing look as real as possible.
- Shadows:
The way of shadowing objects or places in the right way to reflect 3D effects and to show the correct lighting within the drawing.
- Creativity:
The proper drawing definitely needs creativity in order to create the picture. This might be less required in case we just copy a drawing, but even for professional copying a level of creativity is necessary as the drawing and the proper interpretion of the original is necessary to reflect it on the paper.
- Inspiration:
Inspiration is a vital thing when it comes to own creations coming from imagination. One might get some inspiration either from own ideas or from external sources such as things we saw, ideas or any other modern source.
- How to do...
I think that the "How to do..." section is a very important section which differs in questions foreach individual. And actually this is where the proper skill actually takes place, which, in my opinion, is the most important and most vital factor of proper and professional drawing. Hence this sector is the very big sector, where many questions may arise.
- Step 6: Evaluation:
At first I would like to say that I personally think that the drawing skill is the most vital part a person should possess, when it comes to drawing. As well as the imagination and the creativity skill. A person should be able to see the object or place he / she wants to draw in his / her mind in advance already and should be able to move this place and object in every angle possible only in his / her imagination already. Then it comes to the proper lighting as well, to illustrate the right shadows at the right place. And of course a person should be able to have the raw outline of the whole picture, the idea or meaning of the drawing in mind. Additional creations may develop while actually drawing the picture.
The website "" is a nice website which offers an easy user interface and a proper menu to browse the website. It contains basics on drawing and some lectures on drawing people and caricatures.
For me, as a person with given drawing skills, those sites are very "limited", because the learners are rather forced to copy the samples only, where the drawing turns into a simple try to follow the steps mentioned as best as possible. But isn't that the way people learn as well? So I don't see anything wrong with it and for everyone who isn't lucky to possess a natural skill in drawing, these websites can help to practice and understand drawing.
For me in person these websites would be fine for a background reading or for collecting some ideas as well as to see how others do the drawing. But for my drawing itself, I prefer to let my mind be the creator and just to create my own ideas, using my free and own imagination and creating a very personal piece of work.
The website is easy to navigate as well, but is a good example on the limits of teaching drawing, because the website also possesses only specific samples such as "How to draw a parrot" and some other subjects or objects. It's a nice introduction and easy to follow. Therefore a successful way of teaching people in drawing as I am very certain that every person can follow the steps and instructions with ease.
Information Literacy Skills are skills people retreive as a lifelong experience which finally lead mankind forward with the experiences made, the lectures received and the knowledge obtained.
Source: personal definition
Source1 (internet):

An individual who is information literate is able to:
- Determine the extent of information needed
- Access the needed information effectively and efficiently
- Evaluate information and its sources critically
- Incorporate selected information into one's knowledge base
- Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose
- Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally (1)
Information literacy is, therefore, being able to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information" (1). Computer literacy involves gaining familiarity with hardware, software applications, and databases as well as an understanding of how technology works. Developing computer literacy is necessary in order to become information literate, as information technology has become an integral part of obtaining access to information and managing it. However, learning critical thinking skills - comprehension, analysis, application, synthesis, and evaluation - is what distinguishes information literacy from the "fluency with technology" that comes with computer literacy."
Source 2 (internet):
Definition Information Literacy:
- Accessing information efficiently and effectively
- Evaluating information critically and competently
- Using information accurately and creatively
2.) What is SQRW?
SQRW is an abbreviation of the four main steps of a specialized and simplified strategy on how to read textbooks and taking notes efficiently. The steps are as followed:
This step is the preview of a chapter and topic we want to know more about. At this first step we preview an article or subject before getting into the details. This preview is done by skimming and scanning the subject's contents, attached graphs or pictures as well as titles, headlines and summaries in order to get the first insight and the picture what the text is about.
The second step consists of questions we should have in our mind, which actually form the purpose of our reading. Those questions also maintain our interest as we are trying to find the answers for our questions within the article. Use basic questions such as "who, what, when, where, why or how to form your questions.
This step is finally reading the article and finding the answers for the questions we defined during the second step. This step might force us to adapt our questions to the contents as we move along with the reading. Even new questions may arise.
This step is the part of "preserving the information obtained". It means that here we do take the notes into our notebook in order to collect the gathered information and to refer to it later. Taking notes includes writing down the most important and relevant information only.
Source: personal definition
Source 1 (internet):
SQRW is a strategy for talking notes and reading. SQRW stands for:
- Survey
Survey is when you just look through a sheet of paper or a book quickly and find the main ideas of
what it is all about. Read the title, summary, conclusion to get a better under standing of what it is about.
- Question
Always keep a question in mind it will help you to understand more about the thing that you are reading from for example if the title of a story is "Ways to hurt someone badly" use the words who, what, when, where, what to understand more.
- Read
Read the information on each heading to answer every questioned you asked yourself. While you are doing this activity you may need to change a question for it to be answered.
- Write
Write the answers and the questions into a notebook reread it to make sure that it is contains all the important things.
3.) Use the Big 6 Skills (Step 1-6) of the topic you know best.
- Step 1: Define the Problem, Information Requirement:
My topic is the drawing using a simple pencil and plain paper.
I did chose this topic because I used to draw as a hobby and really enjoyed doing it when I had some freetime in the Past. I am a rather realistic drawer and prefer to draw real things or places out of my own imagination - not in the way of visiting a place and copy what I see with my eyes.
Drawing can be the expression of imagination and creativity through an external mode such as the pencil and the paper, used to draw.
It can be just a hobby, a profession or the step to e.g. professional architecture.
- Step 2: Information Seeking Strategies:
Keywords for Drawing:
"How to draw" offers some websites on basic drawing exercises.
"Professional drawing" offers some advanced drawing examples.
"Drawing" offers a rather general result of drawing related websites.
"Learn to draw" offers a variety of tutorial websites with samples, exercises and hints.
- Step 3: Location and Access:
- Step 4: Use of Information:
The information gathered from those websites mentioned above might be helpful for people who want to learn how to draw the figures, given as samples on those websites. They partially help out with step-by-step instructions and illustrations which the interested user can follow or rather "copy" easily.
- Step 5: Synthesis: Putting it all together:
The following subtopics, in my opinion, are important to think and care about when it comes to drawing:
- Perspectives:
The way of drawing things and places with correct 3D perspectives and the right angles in order to make the drawing look as real as possible.
- Shadows:
The way of shadowing objects or places in the right way to reflect 3D effects and to show the correct lighting within the drawing.
- Creativity:
The proper drawing definitely needs creativity in order to create the picture. This might be less required in case we just copy a drawing, but even for professional copying a level of creativity is necessary as the drawing and the proper interpretion of the original is necessary to reflect it on the paper.
- Inspiration:
Inspiration is a vital thing when it comes to own creations coming from imagination. One might get some inspiration either from own ideas or from external sources such as things we saw, ideas or any other modern source.
- How to do...
I think that the "How to do..." section is a very important section which differs in questions foreach individual. And actually this is where the proper skill actually takes place, which, in my opinion, is the most important and most vital factor of proper and professional drawing. Hence this sector is the very big sector, where many questions may arise.
- Step 6: Evaluation:
At first I would like to say that I personally think that the drawing skill is the most vital part a person should possess, when it comes to drawing. As well as the imagination and the creativity skill. A person should be able to see the object or place he / she wants to draw in his / her mind in advance already and should be able to move this place and object in every angle possible only in his / her imagination already. Then it comes to the proper lighting as well, to illustrate the right shadows at the right place. And of course a person should be able to have the raw outline of the whole picture, the idea or meaning of the drawing in mind. Additional creations may develop while actually drawing the picture.
The website "" is a nice website which offers an easy user interface and a proper menu to browse the website. It contains basics on drawing and some lectures on drawing people and caricatures.
For me, as a person with given drawing skills, those sites are very "limited", because the learners are rather forced to copy the samples only, where the drawing turns into a simple try to follow the steps mentioned as best as possible. But isn't that the way people learn as well? So I don't see anything wrong with it and for everyone who isn't lucky to possess a natural skill in drawing, these websites can help to practice and understand drawing.
For me in person these websites would be fine for a background reading or for collecting some ideas as well as to see how others do the drawing. But for my drawing itself, I prefer to let my mind be the creator and just to create my own ideas, using my free and own imagination and creating a very personal piece of work.
The website is easy to navigate as well, but is a good example on the limits of teaching drawing, because the website also possesses only specific samples such as "How to draw a parrot" and some other subjects or objects. It's a nice introduction and easy to follow. Therefore a successful way of teaching people in drawing as I am very certain that every person can follow the steps and instructions with ease.
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